Story of getting to Hawaii... Hawaiian air had a 6 hour delay at LAX so my mom and I went shopping at West field and had dinner at Houston's! So yummy. I went back to the airport, really emotional and went to my gate. It was odd because no one went to my gate. I almost missed my flight! 5 & 1/2 hours later I made it to the island. I had a voucher because of the delay for a taxi. Oh did I mention I got in at 2:30 AM (not fun)!
Taxi guy dropped me off at the house...thank goodness for the voucher or else it would have cost me $156.00! By the time I got there it was 4:30 AM. Mike woke up and it was so nice to be in his arms again.
Anyways- We are currently homeless and looking for housing. Carrie & Pat have graciously let us stay at their place while they are on vacation. We are watching HAM! He has been a pleasure. He is very thick, Has even stinkier toots than Philly, and is just a cuddle bug. He loves being scratched on his bum! ha
Story of Ham: took him out for a stroll yesterday and while I was picking up his waste it Poured rain all of a sudden. We were both soaked & it wasn't very fun. But when we walked into the door the rain automatically stopped...that's Hawaii for you, one never knows when the sporadic rain storms are about to happen.
What a hunk!
Last Saturday our friend Christina Hathaway went through the Laie Temple. It was such a treat for Michael & I to go because neither of us have gone into that temple. It is very quaint. Love that temple :)
Both of us have been spending lots of time with these two cuties! Eliza & Frank. They are so much fun.
Since I left Carrie & Pat have been in California and have been spending time with Philly. I miss that girl SO much. It's been killing me. I know that she is being taken care of by fantastic people. By the looks of it she is loving Pat.
cant wait to see you tomorrow. ps now dad wont step foot in the house after seeing that picture!